Barigazzi F.lli enters as a supporting member of the Kilometroverde Parma Consortium
Ours is one of the first Italian packaging companies to achieve Pefc certification and has been producing Pefc-certified pallets for more than 10 years.
Strong environmental awareness and the pursuit of sustainability has led us to invest in green projects that prioritize the use of resources with low environmental impact.
Among the various initiatives implemented over the years is the installation of a sawmill that uses wood sourced from Italy and thus allows us to limit the importation and related transportation of loads of sawn timber from the rest of Europe, cutting down on the pollution resulting from the long road transports generated by such purchases.
With wood processing waste, we go on to generate heat for drying our products and heating our workplaces, creating a virtuous cycle that avoids transporting them and allows us to minimize the use of fossil fuels.
For more than two years, our pallets have been made from wood from the crashes caused by storm Vaia in Veneto and Trentino: this has allowed us to bring important resources to the municipalities affected by the storm and, in our own small way, we have created the conditions to regrow the forest felled by the windstorm.
We are very concerned about the sustainability of forests because we believe that irrational exploitation of forests generates climatic, environmental and hydrogeological problems, and also, as a wood processing industry, we are very careful that our raw material does not run out, but is renewed over the years.
In Italy over the past 80 years, forest area has increased by 75 percent to cover nearly 40 percent of the national territory.This shows us that thoughtful use of forests promotes their renewal. Using mature trees allows smaller trees to be able to develop.
Our pallets, at the end of their life, are collected by Rilegno, the consortium that for more than 20 years has been in charge of sending discarded wood packaging for recycling, with which recycled wood blocks are produced that help lower the needs of manufacturing companies that use them to assemble new pallets, generating a true circular economy.
Joining Kilometroverde Parma, therefore, is a natural continuation of our path of sensitivity to the issue of sustainable forestry.

Barigazzi F.lli is a well-established company: 1.5 million pallets are produced every year at the headquarters, which covers an area of 40,000 square meters, 10,000 of which are covered.