Barigazzi F.lli, 60 years of wooden packaging.

Barigazzi F.lli is a well-established company: 1.5 million pallets are produced every year at the headquarters, which covers an area of 40,000 square meters, 10,000 of which are covered. Technology, autonomy of production, attention to environmental protection and customer satisfaction for standard or customized requests in a short time are our goals.


Barigazzi F.lli has been putting the Pallet “at the base of everything” for 60 years, proposing itself as a service and consulting company on wooden packaging. Technological development and professionalism achieved over the years enable us to provide Clients with various designs, make prototypes and carry out studies on industrialization of the assembly process to provide the most suitable customized solution.

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60 years of history

60 YEARS of innovation growth and production.

Technological innovation and autonomy of the production process have been cornerstones in these 60 years of Barigazzi F.lli’s activity, allowing us today complete control over the realization of Pallets. Over the years, we have studied the best solutions for each stage of the production process: from design to the choice of lumber, thanks to the in-house sawmill, to the concretization of the project through automatisms that, exploiting the use of anthropomorphic robots, feed two nailing lines, minimizing changeover times and allowing the production of small batches of customized pallets at extremely competitive costs.


Barigazzi Pallets

Among the major leaders in the Italian market! Certified pallets and solutions for every need! Discover our products!

Heat Treatment HT

Heat Treatment (HT) service
According to ISPM 15 regulations
Regarding FAO Certification FITOK.

Epal Pallets

Production and sale of EPAL pallets.
produced according to UIC 435-2 specifications.

PEFC certified pallets

To protect the environment and forests
we produce PEFC certified pallets

Sgravio CAC

The Barigazzi F.lli's membership
in the PeR EPAL system allows our customers
to purchase with a 90% CAC reduction.

Pallet PALOK

The safety of the user and your
goods plays an increasingly important role,
which is why we are able to provide pallets
with certified load capacity.

Cutting-edge photovoltaic system

Barigazzi Pallets has taken a significant
step towards a sustainable future
by investing in a cutting-edge
hotovoltaic system.

pallets and environmental protection

Barigazzi F.lli - Certified pallets for environmental protection

Barigazzi F.lli is committed to environmental protection through adherence to the EPAL Pallet Prevention and Reuse Monitored System, which allows us to sell new or used EPALs with reduced Conai Environmental Contribution; in addition, PEFC certification guarantees that the raw material used comes from sustainable sources.

Anni di esperienza
Area in mq
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di pallets prodotti
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chiodi ogni minuto
OUR Gallery

From log to pallet.

Progetti e Prototipi

Progetti e Prototipi

Ti proponiamo progetti ad hoc per pallets certificati e test per la verifica delle effettive caratteristiche del pallets progettato. Scopri il progetto Palok del Consorzio Servizi Legno-Sughero in collaborazione con Rilegno e CRIL.



La scelta del legname valutando le caratteristiche più idonee ad ogni esigenza è un punto di forza per un'efficace progettazione e produzione di pallets personalizzati. Barigazzi ti propone alternative valide nel rispetto delle tue richieste.

Segheria Interna

Segheria Interna

Riprogettata nel 2008 automatizzando il processo produttivo in ogni sua fase. Dall’ottimizzazione del tronco al taglio, dalla progettazione alla produzione Barigazzi F.lli lavora con te per fornirti il migliore prodotto: scopri le nostre soluzioni e certificazioni.



Macchine altamente automatizzate e robot antropomorfi per una produzione sempre più efficiente.

Innovazione e Ricerca

Innovazione e Ricerca

Per ridurre i tempi di realizzazione e mantenere prezzi estremamente competitivi

Sicurezza ed Economicità

Sicurezza ed Economicità

Affidati ai nostri pallets sicuri e certificati nel rispetto della tutela ambientale.

Lavorazioni a 0 rifiuti:

Lavorazioni a 0 rifiuti:

Tutto il legno residuo viene recuperato per la produzione di pannelli, pellet o produzione di calore!


Do you need a customized product? Contact us now!

Barigazzi F.lli designs and manufactures customized pallets pandering to the needs of Customers.

Contact us … we will know how to respond to every need!