Fitok treatment Barigazzi Pallets

With the aim of reducing the risk of the spread of harmful organisms in forests, ISPM 15 was drafted by the F.A.O. in April 2002, which defines the guidelines for the proper use of packaging timber in exports.

Thus, ISPM 15 requires that all wood packaging destined for export (such as pallets, crates, cages, reels and loading platforms) undergo “HT” heat treatment or “MB” methyl bromide fumigation treatment for the elimination of harmful organisms and be marked with an appropriate identification mark.

The new guidelines note the possible introduction and spread of harmful organisms through packaging materials composed of unprocessed raw wood. According to the FAO, these organisms pose a not insignificant threat to living trees.


To ensure that the packaging material is free of harmful organisms, exporters will need to certify with a universally recognized symbol that the material has been fumigated or heat-treated.

Barigazzi F.lli s.r.l. has been authorized (by the Emilia Romagna phytosanitary service before and sinceFitok Technical Committee then) to heat treat on demand all kinds of wood packaging destined for export to the more than 100 countries that have signed up to this legislation including the U.S., Canada, Australia, Brazil, India and China.

It should also be noted that in some countries adhering to the F.A.O. standard, there have been incidents of exported goods being quarantined because they did not travel on treated packaging resulting in inconvenience and costs for exporting firms. To avoid these problems, it is advisable to contact the Barigazzi company or inquire about any treatments to be carried out on the packaging and the procedures to be followed before export.

All wood packaging and pallets heat-treated by our Company and marked FITOK are insured on any inconveniences that may occur upon arrival of the goods at the place of destination, for more information please do not hesitate to contact us.

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